Oppimateriaalia englanniksi
Journeys in Film on tuottanut elokuvaan on englanninkielisen oppimateriaalin.
Oppimateriaali sisältää seuraavat osa-alueet:
About Journeys in Film
A letter From Malala and Ziauddin Yousafzai
Introducing He Named Me Malala
Notes to the Teacher
Lesson 1: Introducing Pakistan
(Social Studies, Geography, World History)
Lesson 2: The Story of Malala: Growing Up
(English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 3: The Story of Malala: The Attack by the Taliban
(English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 4: The Story of Malala: A New Life of Global Advocacy
(English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 5: Working for Change
(Social Studies/Community Service)
Lesson 6: Global Violence Against Women and Girls
(Social Studies/Sociology)
Lesson 7: ‘Let this end with us’: Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize Address
(English Language Arts, Social Studies, Speech/Communication)
Lesson 8: The United Nations and the Rights of Women and Children
(Social Studies)
Lesson 9: Women’s Education, Health, and Economic Development
(Social Studies/Health/Economics)
Lesson 10: Telling a Story Through Film
(Film Literacy)