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Osallistu Koulukino-kyselyyn

Mielipiteesi olisi tärkeä meille parantaaksemme palveluitamme. Osallistujen kesken arvotaan pieni palkinto.

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HPI: Happy Planet Index

  • What is this index measuring?
  • What is the rating of industrialized countries with this index?
  • Pick out three countries and compare their score using this index, why do you think there are differences?
  • Even though the gross domestic product has grown in Finland since 1970’s, the feeling of happiness hasn’t grown, why do you think it is so?
  • What makes you happy? Draw a circle on paper; divide it into different sized columns according to the factors that make you happy. The bigger the column the more important this factor is in your life. Calculate the percentage of goods in your circle.

3. Statistics

Greenhouse gas emissions play a big role in climate change, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Take a look at the diagram-animation.

Answer the following questions:

  • Name five countries with largest carbon dioxide emissions in 2011.
  • Name five most densely populated countries in 2011.
  • Is there a connection between population and carbon dioxide emissions according to this diagram?
  • What factors have the greatest impact on greenhouse gas emissions? How do these factors differ between the countries you named? What is the cause of large/ diminutive carbon dioxide emissions?
  • What kind of choices can individual people in Finland make to cut down their greenhouse gas emissions?

NOTE: take the mouse to the circle symbols, and then you will see the country in question. If you prefer to study only few countries, you can choose them from the “select” -list on the right.

4. Who consumes and who produces?

a) Compare the maps found in the link. Choose at least four maps for a closer look. 
 Write down general comments about the subjects the maps are presenting and choose at least three countries for a comparison.

  • What can you say generally about the fact that production and consumers are many times located in different countries and different parts of the earth?                    
  •  What factors are important when choosing a place of production and the country where the products are to be sold?
  • What are the effects of global markets locally and globally?
  •  Can these effects be controlled in some way locally and globally? 

Maps (notice that by clicking the map you get a bigger view).
Co2 emissions in 2000
Girls not at secondary school
Illiterate women
Water resources
Clothing exports
Clothing imports
Electronics exports
Electronics imports
Cars exports
fruit exports.

b) Read the newspaper (Iltasanomat) article: ”Maailman pelottavin fakta Kiinasta – mitä väliä suomalaisen teoilla on?"  (The most frightful fact about China – what does it matter what the Finns do?
) Then watch the maps of previous assignment: export of clothes and export of electronics, import of clothes and import of electronics.

c) Where are the most of the things we consume produced? Do our choices when buying things have any significance in a global scale?

d) How can you confirm that the product is ecologically sustainable?